Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, self-care strategies were imperative for stressed-out business owners, entrepreneurs, and their teams. In today’s environment, self-care strategies are critical to keeping talented employees invested and engaged.

Now that summer is in full bloom, have you considered the many options for activities right here in Prince William County? Take your team building outside into the fresh air and sunshine for a perfect summer departure in your own backyard.

Before you dive into our ideas, make sure to check out Prince William County’s Parks, Recreation, and Tourism complete guide of the county parks and community centers for more ideas as well as hours, fees, and information about all county parks.

Splash and Swim There are water parks, public swimming pools, private swimming clubs, recreation centers throughout the county. Here are a few: 

Travel a History Trail or Visit a Museum. Prince William County is layered in history, providing 25 Civil War sites and 12 Revolutionary War sites.

Gone Fishin’! There are several good, clean spots for fishing around the county. Here are a few:

Commune with Nature. We have wildlife refuges, forests, nature preserves, and wetlands for you to explore.

Parks Never Sleep. And finally, check out the award-winning parks accessible from sunrise to sunset. And maybe thank those hard-working parks employees, who work 24/7 to ensure your experience is the best it can be.