2 min read
Aug 14, 2023

This column originally appeared on PWCDED Executive Director Christina Winn’s LinkedIn profile

This month we celebrated Deputy Director Tom Flynn’s retirement from Prince William County after 10 years of service. Tears were shed, mostly by me (of course), as we bid a fond farewell to a calm and steady leader who helped shape our department—and our community—in to what it is today. 

L to R: Elijah Johnson, Deputy County Executive; Christina Winn, PWCDED; Tom Flynn, PWCDED (retired); Cynthia Flynn; Dexter Montgomery, IDA Board Member

Tom is not one for fanfare, but I believe we should acknowledge our colleagues when they impact our daily life long after they have left us for new adventures. So without further ado, here are five “Flynn-igans” I shared at his party:

  1. To wit: Tom’s dry humor is legendary, and you never knew when a soft and pointed quip was coming. Comedic timing is a blessing in high-pressure situations, such as a presentation or complicated business plan, when it is imperative to stay grounded and relaxed.

  2. Style (Tom’s Version): His impeccable fashion statements, a nod to his wife Cynthia's influence, were often nautical in nature. And let’s face it, none of us can quite match his panache in those breezy pink pants.

  3. Life of the party: In an office of introverts, including myself, Tom is a master networker. Perhaps his humor and style help set the room at ease. At several events, particularly at his favorite project 2Silos, our staff looked to Tom to give the nod for the opportunity to get a beverage and start conversations.

  4. Our Encyclopedia Flynn: As someone who devoted more than 40 years to local government service, both here in Northern Virginia and in Charlotte, North Carolina, Tom’s knowledge of land development, site selection nuances, real estate development, and key industry experience was fundamental to our success over the last 10 years.

  5. Devotion: Late nights, early mornings, and often on the weekends, Tom was devoted to his work and that mountain of work often grew as a result. He never complained and worked diligently to collaborate across departments, throughout the county, and even regionally to ensure Prince William County grew and realized its potential.

Thank you, Tom, for making your mark here. You will be missed.