ISOThrive Inc., a microbiome therapeutics company announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Composition of Matter and Production Method patent for its first Farmaceutical™ Maltosyl-Isomaltooligosaccharides (MIMO™), a prebiotic for use as an animal feed additive and pet food supplement. USDA and University of GA studies showed MIMO as highly effective at protecting chickens against antibiotic resistant Salmonella while improving feed efficiency.

ISOThrive opens up a whole new market opportunity to offer higher quality meats that are free of pathogens and also leaner. At the same time, increased food safety is better for workers, less costly for producers and better for the environment. Plus, there are emerging opportunities in pet health with supplements that support better digestion with less reliance on medications.

The widespread use of antibiotics in cattle, swine and chickens can lead to the creation of antibiotic resistant bacterial species.  The same antibiotics used in animal feed are also used to treat disease in humans. With the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria, eliminating their use in livestock has become a necessity. Prebiotics, while offering a viable alternative to antibiotics, can be expensive to manufacture. This patent covers an economical and efficient method for making (MIMO) that can be used as an additive for animal feed at significantly lower cost. 

ISOThrive was one of the first winners in the IGNITE program, a non-dilutive grant program offered by Prince William County Department of Economic Development with a $25K cash grant for early-stage companies and $50K for companies with funding.

"Today's conscious consumer wants a healthier food supply, a better environment for the people that produce the food and has the least amount of environmental impact," said Jack Oswald, ISOThrive's CEO, CTO and Co-Founder. "This new patent allows us to open a new market opportunity while simultaneously positively impacting food safety and security at a cost that makes sense for producers."

Researchers at USDA and University of Georgia found that MIMO added to chicken feed reduced antibiotic resistant Salmonella by 99% while increasing Bifidobacteria.  Feed efficiency was increased by 9-10%.

About ISOThrive
ISOThrive Inc. is a microbiome therapeutics company focused on human and animal health.

Release provided by ISOThrive Inc.